

Resources Relocated

The URL of the SmartCampus repositories has changed to: ​


SVN Resources Relocated

The URL of the SmartCampus repositories has changed to: ​

(previous was ​

If you use Eclipse you can right-click on the project you want to update, choose ‘relocate’ and insert the new URL.

You can also relocate from command line using the following command:

svn switch --relocate


App New Names

SmartCampus services have been recently renamed. This change has been applied only to the Graphical User Interface of the services. The names of the Subversion repositories and other development and infrastructural resources have maintained the old names. In order to help our readers retrieving the information they need we summarize in the following table the mapping between the new names of the apps and the legacy names still used for some of the relevant development resources.

NEW name OLD name
ViviTrento DiscoverTrento
ViaggiaTrento JourneyPlanner
INbox Communicator
MyPeople CommunityManager
LifeLog ExperienceBuster
MyCVs Portfolio